Uploading Your ID
You can confirm your identity in 1 of 3 ways. When submitting documentation, please cover up any personal information we don't need to verify your identity (ex: credit card number, Social Security number). We encrypt people’s connections to Facebook by default, including IDs you send to us. We delete your ID information after verification is complete. Learn more about how Facebook protects the privacy and security of your information when you submit an ID.
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To upload a copy of your ID:
  1. Take your ID and cover up any confidential information (ex: your license or passport number)
  2. Scan or take a close-up picture of your ID
  3. Make sure you can clearly see your name, birthday and photo
  4. Save the photo to your computer
  5. Go back to the contact form, click Upload and select the file containing your ID
Review the types of ID we accept.
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There are two reasons why you may be asked to send a scan or photo of an ID to Facebook:
  • To show account ownership: Your security is important to us. We ask for an ID so that we don't let anyone into your account except you.
  • To confirm your name: We ask everyone on Facebook to use the name they go by in everyday life. This helps keep our community safe.
Keep in mind that after you send us a photo or scan of your ID, we'll permanently delete it from our servers.
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Your ID will be stored securely while we resolve your issue.
Learn more about how Facebook protects the privacy and security of your information when you upload an ID.
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There are several ways that Facebook ensures the privacy and security of documents submitted to us. By default, Facebook uses a secure connection (https). This means when people submit documents to us, the information is encrypted when we receive it. We also encrypt this information on disk, and only team members who work on helping people with account issues can see the encrypted documents. We then automatically delete IDs 30 days after they've been submitted.
We also encourage anyone who submits a document to cover up any personal information that we don't need to see (ex: address, social security number).
We can accept a variety of documents, not just government-issued IDs. The full list of documents includes things like transit or other membership cards that include a name and photo or date of birth.
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We want to make sure that this is really you and that you’re connecting to Facebook with just one account.
To verify your identity, you'll need to log into Facebook and follow the on-site instructions to add your mobile number. Your phone number will be added to your profile, but you can choose who can see it there.
Note: Maintaining more than one account is a violation of the Facebook Terms.
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If your account is currently locked, you can try to get access by logging into your account and trying to complete the security check from the computer or mobile phone that you usually use to log into Facebook. Unfortunately, if you're unable to log in and complete the security check on your own, you'll have to send us an acceptable form of ID.
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